Hillary Clinton Gets High – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Gets High


President Obama’s ‘most qualified candidate in history’ appears to have lost her superior, elitist, arrogant mind and has stooped to a new ‘Neanderthal low’, that would embarrass Michelle Obama, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta is endorsing an attempted coup by members of the Electoral College to try to overturn the election result next week.

Joining the ‘Neanderthal low’ are Clinton’s prop-her-up team of Alt-Left press and mainstream media, with the Washington Post; CNN; CBS; MSNBC and others piping the CIA’s tune that Russia intervened in the election to benefit Trump by hacking into Democrat emails, Podesta’s own, and leaking them to Wikileaks who then posted them.

However as reported by Reuters, while the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA’s analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not


12 Comments on Hillary Clinton Gets High

  1. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic this is beginning to look like an attempted coup and should be treated as such. Assuming the Electoral College members do their duty Trump ought to ask his DOJ whether there was a conspiracy between Stein, Podesta, Clinton, Soros and any others to subvert the will of the people and to attempt a bloodless coup.

  2. The entire Elector nonsense is being directed by Nasty Nancy Pillowsi through her daughter who is an elector. No wonder they asked for an intelliegence briefing. The have never had any intelligence to start with!

  3. imho, there is no expectation to overturn the election, only to create a cloud of distrust and delegitimization over the trump inauguration

    they are placing as many landmines as they can for trump’s presidency, part of obama’s retribution

    in the meantime, they are ignoring the fact that the people overwhelmingly voted for trump, so they are presenting themselves as fools by creating a tempest in a teapot and angering the electorate, poking the bear that was already angered by the 8 years of abysmal failure as a result of the black president experiment that resulted in the worst president in the history of this great country

    this is backfiring, like all their other fake news

    buy more popcorn, we are in the good hands of some very strong fighters

  4. First, let’s put the popular vote issue to rest – Hillary “won” the popular vote because of California, Illinois and New York. To be more specific, Hillary “won” the popular vote primarily because of New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Republican Presidential candidates don’t even bother to campaign in any of these places, and spend their time and money where they have a chance of winning. If Presidents were elected by popular vote only, Trump would have campaigned in these states – but he didn’t bother under the electoral system.

    So what would happen if the electors did not give Trump at least the 270 votes needed? The decision would then shift to Congress, and Congress is Republican now and Republican later. Trump still wins. Suppose enough electors revolt and Hillary is elected President – what happens? Forget trying to advance an agenda, Hillary Clinton would spend the next four years just trying to stay in office. Most Americans would consider her to be a usurper, and likely many foreign nations would see her in the same light. The civil unrest which the Obama administration fostered would bubble to the surface, and as a Hillary adminstration tries to hold on to power, civil liberties would be eliminated. It is likely that America as we know it would cease to exist, and our national decline would accelerate. Most Americans are not effeminate liberals, and would not tolerate a scenario where Hillary Clinton is annointed President.

    The Democrats are digging their own graves, and I for one am all for giving them more shovels. But that being said, even most Democrats, and I live in a heavily Democrat district, would realize that having Hillary end up as President after this election would be a nightmare.

  5. Killing Yourself To Live.


    Well people look and people stare
    Well I don’t think that I even care
    You work your life away and what do they give?
    You’re only killing yourself to live
    Killing yourself to live
    Killing yourself to live
    Just take a look around you what do you see
    Pain, suffering, and misery
    It’s not the way that the world was meant
    It’s a pity you don’t understand
    Killing yourself to live
    Killing yourself to live
    I’m telling you
    Believe in me
    Nobody else will tell you
    Open your eyes
    And see the lies, oh yeah
    Smoke it, get high
    You think I’m crazy and baby I know that it’s true
    Before that you know it I think
    That you’ll go crazy too
    I don’t know if I’m up or down
    Whether black is white or blue is brown
    The colors of my life are all different somehow
    Little boy blue’s a big girl now
    So you think it’s me who’s strange
    But you’ve never had to make the change
    Never give your trust away
    You’ll end up paying till your dying day


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