Hillary Clinton gets walloped by GOP rivals in Colorado – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton gets walloped by GOP rivals in Colorado

hillary poll down

WashingtonTimes: Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton is losing by double-digits to all leading GOP contenders in Colorado, said a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.

Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio bests Mrs. Clinton 52 percentage points to 36 percentage points in a theoretical head-to-head match-up in the key swing state, while retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson topples her by 14 percentage points, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz leads by 13 percentage points, and real-estate mogul Donald Trump has an 11-point victory over Mrs. Clinton.

“A chilly if not frigid reception for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her second quest for the White House,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll, said in a statement.  read more


4 Comments on Hillary Clinton gets walloped by GOP rivals in Colorado

  1. Perhaps this country is FINALLY fed up with being lectured to. And we can remember those Reagan State of the Union Addresses. Even under Bush we were often lectured, also Billy, but none non-worse than Obama. Who lectures us Christians from overseas this week, and constantly lectures us at home. He is a separatist at best, but probably a race-husler no beter than Al Sharptan. I hope that the American voting public has absolutely had it with that democratic party! I see ratings for MSNBC, CNN drowning. I pray that is a sign.

  2. BTW Those Reagan State of the Union Addresses are considered positive–Not being lectured, but being built up as a country. Youtube them, they are a true mark of a great statesman.

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