Hillary Clinton has a stool problem – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton has a stool problem

While Hillary Clinton is rarely seen without a pillow for back support, or a hand railing on an incline, she also favors stools to ease her long stands while on stage.  Photos  at American Mirror.

hillary sitting obama

Here she is on stage with a big brown stool…

26 Comments on Hillary Clinton has a stool problem

  1. Can you imagine the effort it takes for all of her handlers to drag this failing self important bag of crap around the country? Don’t look behind the curtain people, nothing to see here.

  2. All debates will be done from a sitting position by both parties if she has her way. This will help her save energy and take away Trump’s height advantage, and help neutralize the effective way he uses his hands while he speaks. Trump needs to insist on the use of podiums and STANDING behind them as well.

  3. I hope she doesn’t die.
    I hope she doesn’t die until it’s too late for the Bolsheviks (Demonrats) to replace her … but too early for her to win and them to swear in Kaine …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’d be sympathetic to an elderly person that was worn down after a lifetime’s honest labor.

    But since I didn’t build nothing myself, according to my marxist deceitful gubermint, I have no sympathy for an overpaid lifelong leech that has made a fortune selling out her fellow man.
    Her suffering gives me pleasure.

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