“Hillary Clinton Has Never Quit On Anything In Her Life” – Michelle Obama – IOTW Report

“Hillary Clinton Has Never Quit On Anything In Her Life” – Michelle Obama

Mr. Pinko begs to differ- (see video)

29 Comments on “Hillary Clinton Has Never Quit On Anything In Her Life” – Michelle Obama

  1. “……has never quit on anything in her life.”

    Um, her MARRIAGE? I’m not talking about the mere fact of her not having gotten divorced; I’m talking about being an active participant in a spiritual union, with all the hues and shades of that. What they’ve got now is an unincorporated business arrangement. When was the last time they discussed anything other than politics/Clinton Foundation business? Did the nasty? I bet not during the Obama Administration.

  2. So Moochie the Sasquatch decides to support that bitch who hates her and her black “hubby” lol…anything for the money, Eh Mooch? We don’t give a shit to listen to anything you say, bitch…..so go stuff a TNT up your manufactured twat and light the fuse…only true bang you will ever get…

  3. What a wasted opportunity to relate with common folks on the other side of the aisle who have been oppressed for over 7.5 years.

    I, like her, quit drinking every single night.

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