Hillary Clinton is the best at failure and you can’t take that away from her – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton is the best at failure and you can’t take that away from her

MSNBC Panel: Hillary ‘Didn’t Lose,’ She Had a ‘Successful Failure’.

MRC : It appears some Hillary Clinton supporters still haven’t accepted that she lost the election. Here’s an example: Sirius XM radio host Mark Thompson joined an MSNBC panel Saturday to provide liberal spin on the results of the presidential race.

“We talked about sore winners in the earlier segment. We really didn’t lose. This was sort of a successful failure,” he said of Clinton’s loss.

Watch the stupid in action here.

22 Comments on Hillary Clinton is the best at failure and you can’t take that away from her

  1. Yep the economy is roaring after Trump was elected and started saving jobs and creating new ones before even taking office. They are going to spend the next 40+ days trying to convince everyone Trump is inheriting the best economy ever. What a joke.

  2. The deplorables stomped the dilusionals Mark, get over it.
    What type of furry animal does this blow-hard, Thompson, have attached to the back of his head? Skunk? Squirrel? Possum? Coon?

  3. If failure was the goal, she was extremely successful, perhaps even more so than her 2008 failure.

    Then again, this just goes along with the “everyone gets a trophy” mentality of the progressives. Sort of makes your head hurt, doesn’t it?

  4. My definition of a successful failure: Joe thinks that Mike was banging his wife. Joe gets a gun and decides to kill Mike. He waits for Mike in an ally and fires a shot at Mike, but misses. Mike runs away. Joe, pisses off, goes to his friend John’s house and finds his wife in bed with John. Now that’s a successful failure .
    Can any of you do better?

  5. Tonight I had an ace high flush after the third card. Two cards to go and I upped the anti, raised, and was raised. I was beaten by a full house. That could be a sort of successful failure? No? I’m just trying to figure out what the fuck this asshole Thompson means?

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