Hillary Clinton Lost The Heartland – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Lost The Heartland


For someone born and raised in the Midwest, Hillary Clinton failed spectacularly to connect with those that who should have been her people, but she was never one of us and it cost her the election.


8 Comments on Hillary Clinton Lost The Heartland

  1. The Heartland of America still has some Americans in it.
    HRC has no “American” in her.

    Globaloney-ist totalitarian corrupt socialist.

    “Her” people are of the same ilk – globaloney-ist totalitarian corrupt socialists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Being born and raised in the Midwest has nothing whatsoever to do with it. With the scruples of a skunk and the personality of a baked-bean sandwich, this crooked liar used the government as a weapon of intimidation and retribution for political gain and her own personal piggy-bank for the past thirty years. That is what the Heartland recognized and that’s what sunk the Bitch!

  3. Remember the NYT headline about her difficult decision whether or not to expand her lead into red states or hold firm to her winning plan?

    I remember when she announced a huge multi million dollar ad buy in Texas! That’s when I was convinced she was out of her mind. And when some wire service moved Texas into the toss up pile, I thought these people are clueless.

    She just didn’t lose the heartland, she lost her fucking mind.

    Some adult in her campaign must have noticed WI and MI and PA slipping away and too late, they called in the Moose and Toothpick to spew some hate.

    If Trump can do the deed in the rust belt and start to bring manufacturing back and the dems continue to go even further REgressive, those states aren’t going back to blue. Hell if not for that bald jerk off doing so well in Minnesota, Trump would have carried that state too!

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