Hillary Clinton Spills Top Secret Intelligence During Paid Speech to Goldman Sachs – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Spills Top Secret Intelligence During Paid Speech to Goldman Sachs

Sputnik: The recently WikiLeaks dump of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta’s personal emails exposed the “missing” transcripts of the former Secretary of State’s speeches to Wall Street and suggest that she may have violated laws pertaining to confidential information by spilling the beans about state secrets to the nation’s top banks.

Repeating a common refrain from her campaign and the public record, Clinton told the crowd that “I was in the small group that recommended to the President that he go after bin Laden.” It was then that Clinton’s narrative switched up from what was previously known by the public regarding the effort to bring the infamous terrorist mastermind to justice with many in the US public led for years to believe that the United States received a tip by somebody who stopped by at the embassy — but the root of the intelligence that captured Bin Laden was a wiretap.

“The people who were the analysts and collectors and good old-fashioned spies who were gathering bits and pieces of information, some of them from cell phone conversations, I will tell you, and then all of a sudden putting this matrix together and saying this guy used to protect Bin Laden,” said Clinton. “He just made a phone call. He said this in a phone call. We need to figure out where he is. Then we need to follow him.

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4 Comments on Hillary Clinton Spills Top Secret Intelligence During Paid Speech to Goldman Sachs

  1. Prison. Jail,no bail. In the name of all that is holy Trump needs to hammer this on the next debate. Reckless disregard for any OPSEC protocols who knows who might have been in that audience?

  2. The fat bitch’s personal trail is target rich. Concentrate fire here.
    Bill’s trail of perfidy is old news, and it’s like the Seinfeld Cleavage Axiom: Trump needs to present a sense of it, then look away.

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