Hillary Clinton to Goldman Sachs: ‘I Represented All of You for 8 Years’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton to Goldman Sachs: ‘I Represented All of You for 8 Years’

Breitbart: Hillary Clinton told a private behind-closed-doors audience at Goldman Sachs that she “represented all of you for eight years in the United States Senate.

Clinton said in an October 24, 2013 speech to Goldman, according to newly leaked Goldman Sachs speech transcripts unearthed during the Wikileaks dump of John Podesta’s emails:

I represented all of you for eight years. I had great relations and worked so close together after 9/11 to rebuild downtown, and a lot of respect for the work you do and the people who do it, but I do — I think that when we talk about the regulators and the politicians, the economic consequences of bad decisions back in ’08, you know, were devastating, and they had repercussions throughout the world.

Clinton previously called herself Goldman Sachs’ “partner in government.” Breitbart News reported:


2 Comments on Hillary Clinton to Goldman Sachs: ‘I Represented All of You for 8 Years’

  1. I live in NYS, I did not vote for her as senator, but I’m not a party voter and she blathered that she was the “education senator”. I sent her emails that went unanswered of course, well now I know it’s because even then she had a private server. But I sure am glad to know that she only represented Wall Street. Phew! I was worried.

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