Hillary Clinton’s Approval Rating Falls to Record Low – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s Approval Rating Falls to Record Low

Big Government: The approval rating of former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has fallen to a record low, according to the latest Gallup poll.

Clinton’s approval rating now stands at 36 percent, a five percent fall from April, while her disapproval rating has soared to a new high of 61 percent, bucking the trend of presidential candidates gaining popularity after losing an election.


Since her defeat to Donald Trump last November, Clinton has found a myriad of excusesfor her loss, which include James Comey and the FBI, Vladimir Putin and alleged Russian hackers, the electoral college, conservative media, misogyny amongst the electorate, and white women who did not vote for her.

Clinton has primarily devoted 2017 to speaking events, where she has repeatedly denounced Donald Trump. She has also toured the U.S. promoting her latest book, What Happened, which details her view of events during the 2016 presidential campaign.  read more here

21 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s Approval Rating Falls to Record Low

  1. This might explain why I had to learn math that included such things as; A negative 4 –a negative 5=
    Or a -6 + a negative 7=
    It was something that I never used in life until I found myself confronted with Hillary’s tanking numbers.

  2. She could hang herself while masterbating. Or choke on her own vomit. A clot could break loose. Slip and fall into two bullets on the back of her head at Ft Marcy park. A plane crash. Weight bar dropped on her throat. Stab her self in the bathroom. Fed to the child rape victim disposal sharks off pedo island. Mistaken for a feral hog on her woods walks. Succumb to tertiary syphilis Bill rubbed on her 30 years ago.

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