Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy views spark anger, unease abroad – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy views spark anger, unease abroad

hillary clinton shrugs

WashingtonTimes: Donald Trump isn’t the only presidential front-runner this election cycle whose foreign policy views are sparking anger and unease in the rest of the world.

Despite — and in some cases because of — her four-year record as secretary of state, Democrat Hillary Clinton is coming in for a share of criticism from allies and adversaries alike, even if the level of vitriol doesn’t match some of the comments targeting her potential Republican rival for president.  read more

5 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy views spark anger, unease abroad

  1. “Chinese television host Sima Nan dismissed Mrs. Clinton as a “crazy old woman,” and a CNN report cited a comment on the popular Chinese social media platform Weibo: “If she can’t manage her husband, how can she manage America?””

    Ms. Nan was close, “crazy old lying alcoholic lesbian hag” would have been right on the money.

  2. How does the Hildabeest defend herself and still maintain she is more experience in Foreign Affairs from being Obambams punt ball? The worlds sees through her magic cloak as we do who don’t wear blinders provided by the Clinton Cartel…. a hag is still a hag, a murderer is still a felon…

  3. I never thought I’d see anything positive in H-Rod’s foreign policy (it pretty much always sux), but anything that worries the foreign parasites about maybe not being able to count on continuing to suck up billions of American dollars is a Good Thing.

  4. Uncle Al, I think they are worried about hildebeast for different reasons than DT. hildebeast will continue with the destruction aimed at a one world govt., while DT will put American’s house in order and cut off their money.

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