Hillary Clinton’s history of deception catches up to her – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s history of deception catches up to her

WFB: How bad is Hillary Clinton’s image?

hillary clinton mouth gape

This bad:

Fifty-six percent of Americans view her unfavorably, according to the Huffington Post pollster trend.

One-third of New York Democratic primary voters say she is neither honest nor trustworthy.

Her image, writes Dan Balz, “is at or near record lows among major demographic groups.”

Like, all of them.


11 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s history of deception catches up to her

  1. The coughing attacks will get worse. She only needs to lock Bernie out of the nomination, so someone else can come in, and then she will drop out.

    Not for her sins, but because she is not electable and the (D) know it. I would love to see the real internal polls for her.

  2. I have little faith in the US electorate.
    I have even less faith in the FBI & DOJ to indict or prosecute hillary.
    I have absolutely NO faith in a true accounting of the vote.

    November will come and go, the corruption, stench and the political elite will remain in Washington DC.
    Business as usual.

  3. “What the other candidates have said to bankers isn’t the issue. No one expects Donald Trump to have been anything other than fulsome in his praise of Wall Street. He probably spoke mainly about himself anyway. What Sanders wants to know is if Clinton said one thing to the financial services industry and another to the public. Fair question. Especially considering the lady we’re talking about.”


  4. F.D.R. in Hell, I respectively have to disagree. Bill deserves a kick up his ass so hard that his tonsils rip out. Every second of his life he’s had to be around, smile at, posed with this toilet debris, isn’t enough punishment for his empty soul.

  5. “There is no smoking gun. The emails themselves show Clinton to be a tech ignoramus, a workaholic, harried by the pace of events, self-interested, paranoid, dependent on a few close advisers. Nothing we didn’t already know.”

    You were going along great, Matthew, until we got to that. Because something else we already know, is that The Fix Is In. Stop being part of it.

  6. Thirdtwin, I agree completely. He went from facts to a conclusion, incorporated in a nonsequitor, but the conclusion “no smoking gun” caused me to slap my palm to my face. WTF?. Her “email problem” concerns a lot more than the content of her emails. The server, Blackberry, zero security, mishandling, allowing unauthorized access, etc. that is the smoking gun. But you’re right, he was doing so well, though.

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