Hillary Clinton’s Insulting D-Day Post Reminds Us Why She Lost – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s Insulting D-Day Post Reminds Us Why She Lost


If there was any doubt remaining that Hillary Clinton is a contemptuous unelectable partisan, the loser of the 2016 presidential election provided another clear reminder on Thursday. 

According to the twice-failed candidate, voting against Donald Trump this November is the same heroic act in defense of democracy as storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. 

“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy,” Clinton wrote in the post on X. “This November, all we have to do is vote.”

Voting is important and a right that’s sadly often taken for granted — something we’re only able to do because of the real heroism of those like the men who fought and died fighting actual evil on D-Day. Shlepping over to the local library to check a few boxes in a voting booth on your way to work is key to preserving our ideals, but it is not the same as sacrificing, fighting, and dying for the freedom of people halfway around the world.  more here

22 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s Insulting D-Day Post Reminds Us Why She Lost

  1. She wishes we were a democracy.
    We’re a Republic and so can’t change the form of government with every election like Mexico and South America, etc.
    She really is one of the most detestable, unlikeable people on the face of the earth.

  2. Right on, Beachmom!

    We are a Republic, and I sure don’t want OurDemocracy® to take hold. It really needs to carry that registered trademark symbol, since OurDemocracy® in fact is NOT democracy but a dictatorship after the model of Stalin and Pol Pot.

  3. Killary is the scum of the Earth. Everything is about her bruised, psychopath narcissistic ego.

    The D-Day veterans are a convenient excuse to vent her grudge against President Trump. Thank God she will never be President.

  4. I remember 2016 like it was yesterday. Hillary Clinton parachuting into New York behind the line of Proud Boys deployed to keep her away – her rucksack filled with hundreds of phony ballots and some cheap wine. Slogging her way through entrenched New York pedestrians whose job may have been to drive her back into the East River. Finally collapsing, exhausted and very drunk – her mission unfulfilled.

    Anyway, my apologies to those remaining World War II vets (and other vets) for this poor attempt at humor. Your actions and sacrifices will not be forgotten.

  5. From @rugbybem
    10 years ago

    “I am an Englishman in my 80th year and nearing the end of my life.One of my memories as a boy was standing at the roadside and saluting the American troops as they passed through our town on the way to the Normandy Invasion. One of the GIs threw me a rations pack. I will never forget his face and I often wonder if he survived. I have lived a very long and happy life in a democracy free from the evils of a Nazi system which could have been my destiny. I salute the bravery and sacrifice of this generation of men and women and the price that many of them paid so that my generation and future generations could enjoy a quality of life, denied to them.I will never forget them. God Bless them.”

    THANK YOU, @rugbybem


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