Hillary Clinton’s new political group will be led by Howard “Yeeaaaaurrgh!” Dean – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s new political group will be led by Howard “Yeeaaaaurrgh!” Dean

American Lookout: 

Hillary Clinton just can’t stay away from public life no matter how humiliated she gets in national elections. She’s launching a new political organization and to lead it she has selected Howard Dean.

You know, because they both have such a great record of winning.  Get the story

15 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s new political group will be led by Howard “Yeeaaaaurrgh!” Dean

  1. He’ll be gone within six months, either driven out by Chulsie or owed payment for services rendered. Or both. Couldn’t happen to a better person. Except maybe Podesta or Huma.

    But why would anyone get involved with the Clintons at this point? You’d think Howard would know by now that the arc of Clinton history is bent way over.

  2. It’s amazing how they double-down on the has-beens in a way to reach out to the “resistance.” This just proves that Hillary’s “PAC” is nothing but another money-making, pay-to-play endeavor.

    You’d think she’d be better at disguising her motives.

  3. Watched the House Dems.
    Eugene Dutch Oven Lewis
    Shifty Adam Schiff
    Eric Swallows Swalwell
    Those aren’t Trump Power Ties.
    Interesting Choices.
    Black and Blue and Purple and Green.
    Check the Tape.

  4. “Hillary Clinton just can’t stay away from public life no matter how humiliated she gets”.

    You can’t humiliate the soulless, or the diabolically narcissistic.

  5. Is it just me or does Adam Schiff have the same crazy eyes as the late Andy Kauffman? I can’t see the former without thinking of the latter.

    Also, self inflicted issue. I can’t get that stupid James Taylor song out of my head since my earlier comment.
    AAAAARGH. Make it stop.

  6. Dr. Dean should consider this gig a step up from what he would have gotten in a Hillary Presidency. I know he was thinking HHS Director, but Hillary was thinking Surgeon General for him. Unless Chulsie wanted it.

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