Hillary CRATERING Among the Under 35 Demographic – IOTW Report

Hillary CRATERING Among the Under 35 Demographic

The more you see of her, the more you loathe.

It is well-deserved. She is amongst the most vile and corrupt creatures ever to slither on this planet, and that’s her best quality.

If our corrupt government is unwilling to get her, I am calling upon every able-bodied person to get her… at the polls. And I’m looking squarely at you, NeverTrumpers. Even youthful progressives can see what she is. What’s your excuse?

Yes, voting against Hillary is a valid and noble vote.  I don’t want to hear your spittle about how “Trump is worse!!” He’s not. Don’t continue to be stupid.


FAIRFAX, Va.— Hillary Clinton’s once-commanding lead among young voters has nearly collapsed, several polls show, a factor making the presidential race much closer in recent weeks and prompting the Clinton campaign to move quickly to keep a core Democratic constituency in the fold.

In its most visible response, the campaign has begun sending the party’s most popular stars to college campuses to urge students not to sit out the election or back third-party candidates, who are drawing support from young voters.

“Elections aren’t just about who votes, but who doesn’t vote, and that is especially true for young people like all of you,’’ first lady Michelle Obama said Friday during a campaign event at a university in Virginia, a battleground state where polls show the race tightening.


13 Comments on Hillary CRATERING Among the Under 35 Demographic

  1. Hopefully next month her piece of shit plane (compared to Trump’s) will fall out of the sky, preferably crushing the white house. That is if she can live that long.

  2. Oh THAT’s a winning strategy for the Democrats…sending a full-blown Wookie infected with the RNA rabies virus to “persuade” these young adults to vote her way. I am sure they are in lockstep with that, mmm yeah right! s/ What the Democratic party is refusing to see belongs in the history books of Mass Delusion. 8 years after the facts, 8 years of socialism, no job prospects left that pay above minimum wages, no future, no hope (despite Barry’s HopeNchange bullshit), loss of freedom, loss of family, loss of personal choices, coerced into doing what the Elites command, coerced into the shackles of big overblown government, debts unending, economy in the trash, worthwhile jobs exported. Yes Moochie, preach it bitch. You and your “hubby” are responsible. Hillary and her “hubby” want to continue in the same rut leading to the abyss. Who are the shitpickles now? YOU DEMOCRATS! Fuck Off Bitch!

  3. Just because Hillary is losing the youth vote, the male vote, the African American vote, perhaps even the Hispanic and Jewish vote doesn’t make her unelectable.

    She’s still tight with diebold, the voting machine manufacturer. The proper result is a wink and a nod away.

  4. States should immediately decommission diebolt vote counters and go to paper ballots. Homeland security will have harder times destroying boxes of paper ballots rather than just slapntickle diebolt machine results.

  5. Oh good. Looks like many and varied people are seeing the reality.
    Found this site last night for enthusiastic Trump supporters.

    Another small positive event today. Once again drove into the leftist bastion, Cuyahoga County, and didn’t see a single Hillary sign. There was one lone Johnson sign in the Trump forest of signs.

    Ventured into India Grocers to buy some of better than other stores produce wearing my spiffy new ‘I Love Deplorable’ shirt. Usually I’m the only white woman in there. The produce and spices are a fraction of the chain groceries.

    People were smiling, nodding and wanting to shake my hand. I was informed Hindu’s in the US and India are having pray-ins for Trump. They feel he will be a friend to India and knows how to handle Pisslamic violence which is growing there as it is here.
    Picked up a pound of fresh jaggery at 1/10th Amazon’s price, 8 ounces of black cardamom pods – fresh and cheap, baby okra (bhindi) and was given an easy recipe for Bhindi Do Pyaza .

    A very happy experience on an otherwise gloomy gray day.

  6. This is Trump’s vision: Americans coming together regardless of ethnic origins, to love and care for one another, to make us strong, great, prosperous, and free once more. Can’t say anything positive about the divider, the conqueror, the thief, the NWO elitists,the murderer on the other side of the aisle, Sire Edmund Hillary, <snark. The Uniter versus the Divider. It's what that is.

  7. I have three children, all married, all under 35. I see them and their friends a lot. To a person the despise that bitch. Some liked Sanders, those hate her. And this is in the extremely liberal capital of California.

    ‘ll need a van and several cases of beer to get a few them to the polls probably, but if I forget to pick them up, at least they are not voting for her.

  8. My 23-year old nephew found his political legs this past year and is very pro-Trump. He hits the websites that get tons of hits (the ones that I can’t stand like Reddit) and is constantly posting. He also won over just about all the workers at his retail job. He’s a very smart kid and has the gift of gab.

  9. I work with some students whose dad is a higher-up in BigCorp that just stepped in it over a social issue (dropping sponsorship when they shouldn’t have, kowtowing to the SJWs), and the next to youngest daughter who is all of eight says to me ‘we want Hillary! elected because she’s a woman’. I ask her what qualifications should a president have, and gender isn’t one of them.

    I deal directly with five of these kids, and do everything I can in a natural way that appeals to common sense. They’re from MA, so it’s hard to say, but I believe I’m making headway for generations to come. They’ll be within my reach for at least the next eight years.

  10. I just read (somewhere) recently that the under 35’s are way more conservative than their parents and is growing like a wild fire. Hope springs eternal. You know the pendulum cannot stop — it may have been deflected toward the left for what seems like forever, but it cannot stand still.

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