Hillary Defends Bill’s Sexual Predation – IOTW Report

Hillary Defends Bill’s Sexual Predation

14 Comments on Hillary Defends Bill’s Sexual Predation

  1. The Hillbag’s latest rant is about misogyny being “endemic”, yet when you think about it, this Bitch tried to destroy the lives of the women who spoke out about their abuse at the hands of her husband, which actually makes her the misogynist!!

  2. @organgrinder: C’mon – You’re tougher than that. As an old biker once told me, “Just put it on like a gas mask.”


    (Dang – I think I just made myself sick… )

  3. Never apologize.
    Never explain.

    HRC knows this better than most.
    Certainly better than any of that sick, depraved species of pusillanimous, lickspittles known as GOPe-ers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Why would the old pile of scat go away! Where else but in America can a fat, ugly, and truly unlikable skank get on the news day after day and have an ongoing public forum to promote and disseminate her ridiculous flatulent bilge!

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