Hillary Exploits Ted Cruz’s RNC Message – IOTW Report

Hillary Exploits Ted Cruz’s RNC Message

25 Comments on Hillary Exploits Ted Cruz’s RNC Message

  1. Hillary is going to grab all the ammo that is handed to her. Cruz gave her a truckload with this one.

    We got fucked in 2012. Don’t let that happen again. Everybody thought we had that election in the bag, myself included.

    The democrats are pulling out all the stops for this one – they are scared to death of a Trump presidency (and/or federal prison). You already know they sign up dead voters and rig voting machines. We need to be sure we have enough votes to cancel out all that corruption.

    I am trying to focus on one young person at a time while trying to convince them to vote for Trump. You have to explain socialism and communism to them because they have been taught in school that those are the norms. It’s not the easiest thing to do but I am pretty sure I have convinced at least a few of them, at the rate of just one at a time.
    Talk to those young people about paychecks they can expect under Trump vs Hillary. That seems to make their ears perk up. There are some easy pickins out there if you are a better speaker than I am.
    We seriously need all hands on deck this time around. It’s not going to be an easy win this election.
    Just felt I had to say that because I don’t know what else to do to help.

  2. ok, so you now attack Cruz after attacking Lee after attacking …. because they don’t bow down to the cheeto king! Maybe it’s time to ask yourself if they are right? You are not seriously going to say that Trump is more conservative than these two are you?

  3. Can the hatred and fear of a Hillary presidency outweigh the hatred being spewed between Trumpists and Cruzites on these pages? This convention has been a bust so far if the purpose was to unify us against a common (evil) foe.

  4. Ted got it right. Trump is a dirt bag piece of shit, but have decided Hillary is 10 times the piece of shit Trump is and sadly my conscience has got to vote for Trump. When the stupid conservatives see how bad Trump is in the next 4 years Cruz will be there waiting in 2020. That is if anything is left in 2020?

  5. The #NTers are probably *proud* that Hillary is doing this…in their sick, twisted minds, they see it as “confirmation” that Cruz was “right”.

    Trump is getting the snakes to reveal themselves for who they are, one self-implosion at a time.

  6. Hillary is not fit to shine Trump’s wingtips. And that selfish (I agree with Crispie on this) prick Cruz knows it.

    I Hope Trump reams Hitlery up the ass in the debates.

  7. “You are not seriously going to say that Trump is more conservative than these two are you?”

    so open borders and not opposing obama is conservative in your mind?

    just what are cruz and lee trying to conserve, besides their gravy train?

  8. Whoever runs against Cruz next time he is up will have dozens and dozens of clips of Trump calling lyin’ Canadian Ted all kinds of horrible things. It’s called politics and is nothing new. The fact that Hiliary is doing it is as surprising as snow in Alaska in January. This is indeed “silly season”.

  9. @Tough Darts , you should maybe do some research on that; Mike Pence is a Born-Again Evangelical. And there are libertarians voting for Trump.

    Lay off the evangelicals. The Bible calls for all Christians to evangelize. You insult all Christians with that kind of disrespect.

  10. Wow! The down twinkle fairies worked overtime on this thread. Slaving away, one refresh and down twinkle at a time to ensure that iotw is a safe space.
    Free speech is icky and hurtful, so it needs to be shouted down by cowards that lack the courage and intelligence to discuss things openly.

  11. Fur…..I know you made a bold statement about the NTers, and I agree that they’re deluded…..but…..I hate anyone’s comments being turned into Chinese script. I’d rather read their comments and debate them than hide their comment. Just my two cents…..

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