Hillary fights post-Obama apathy in bid to energize South Carolina blacks – IOTW Report

Hillary fights post-Obama apathy in bid to energize South Carolina blacks


WaTimes: CHARLESTON, S.C. — She has mastered the art of affecting a folksy twang when speaking to Southern crowds and her husband once boasted that he was the first black president, but Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton has a long way to go to win over black voters crucial to victory in South Carolina’s early primary.

Mrs. Clinton, who on Wednesday will make her second visit to the Palmetto State, moved early and forcefully to shore up support of black voters, but that Democratic bloc has yet to coalesce behind her. That includes young blacks who say they have lost faith in politics after their experience with President Obama.


8 Comments on Hillary fights post-Obama apathy in bid to energize South Carolina blacks

  1. This statement from the article is nonsense:

    “She has mastered the art of affecting a folksy twang when speaking to Southern crowds….”

    To any genuine Southerner, she sounds like the lying, condescending carpet-bagger she is. Her attempt at trying to sound southern would gag a maggot.

  2. I bet ‘they’ give her the nomination to repay whatever perceived debt she is owed for her assistance to Bill, who was given the presidency to repay the debt he was owed for giving the CIA favors during his time as gov of Ark.

    But I don’t think ‘they’ plan for her to win.

  3. Hillary’s going to have to part with many of her millions to provide “walkin’ around money” if she thinks blacks are going to bother getting out of bed to vote for her. I can’t even see the black poll workers being enthusiastic enough to cheat for her.

  4. In a black church, or charging off a bridge at 100 mph in the Hillarymobile, either way.

    Ooops, that wasn’t nice. Taking ruler now, opening palm, giving 3 licks ever so gently.

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