Hillary Hacked By At Least Five Foreign Intelligence Agencies – IOTW Report

Hillary Hacked By At Least Five Foreign Intelligence Agencies


There are fresh revelations of wrong doing by Democrat candidate for president Hillary Clinton almost hourly now.   Among the latest bombshells reported by Bret Baier last night, “FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.”  There are four other newworthy details of the ongoing investigation by the FBI.


11 Comments on Hillary Hacked By At Least Five Foreign Intelligence Agencies

  1. 99% accuracy. Like hackers are going to leave an obvious clue that you were hacked. The whole point is not to leave a clue. Bet ya Hillary will still say that there is no proof that the server was hacked. China could announce tomorrow that they were one of the hackers and Hillary would still deny it. Which is what any criminal would do. Deny, deny. That’s my story your Honor and I am sticking with it!

  2. Obumbles knew about Hillary’s private mail server, used it himself, knew it be easily hacked by America’s enemies, which he viewed as a bonus feature.

    Hillary sold out America for cash.
    Obumbles sold out America for ideology.
    Hillary didn’t care if she destroyed America.
    Obumbles wanted to destroy America.
    Fundamental change of America is destruction.
    A return to the fundamentals of America is restoration.

  3. Here’s analogy:
    If someone breaks into your house while you were away, it’s robbery

    If you willingly give your house keys to a bum and ask him to watch your house while you’re away, it’s a bad decision on your part

    The bad decision to put classified information on a private server outside of protected channels was Hillary’s decision and not so much a case of “hacking”

  4. Where the fuck are the Republicans!!???? Not one word out of those miserable cock suckers. I am fuming here. When is the DOD or Congress themselves pulling her security clearance? Pull it and she’s done. Don’t need intent, just facts. Unsecured, unauthorized server…done.

  5. I reckon the hostile foreign spy intelligence hacker countries would be….

    1) China
    2) Russia
    3) Iran
    4) North Korea
    5) Burkina Faso
    6) Kuala Lumpur
    7) Andorra
    8) Zimbabwe
    9) Luxembourg
    10) Lichtenstein
    11) Duchy of Monaco
    12) Ethiopia
    11) Equitoreal Guinea
    12) Eritrea
    13) Somalia
    14) Tuvalu
    15) Turkmenistan
    16) Papua New Guinea
    17) Vanuatu
    18) Swaziland
    19) Guinea-Bissau
    20) Iceland
    21) Haiti
    22) Cote d’Ivoire
    23) San Marino
    24) Sao Tome’
    25) Antarctica

    I’m not kidding about the first four countries but the rest are to prove my point that Fucktard Clinton’s POS server was such a steaming pile of shit security-wise that ANYONE with free software downloaded off the Internets could have hacked her fuckin’ computer, cell phones, eyeglasses, whatevs….

    This broad deserves to be in a SuperMax prison at Leavenworth, not in OUR White House.

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