HILLARY IN A SUIT: Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career – IOTW Report

HILLARY IN A SUIT: Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career

DougRoss: As the race between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz becomes more acrimonious, many people are naturally attracted to a fresh alternative.

john kasich laughing

John Kasich has the benefit of being so irrelevant he can’t even win a congressional district, much less a full state.  And precisely because he’s been so irrelevant, few have bothered to expose his true record.

As we are learning throughout this primary season, the Republican Party is divided and diverse.  But the common denominator between all Republicans is that they want to move in a new direction, far away from the Obama agenda.  What is clear about John Kasich is that far from being a fresh alternative, he is the embodiment of what is fueling everyone’s anger.

Here are the top 17 times Gov. Kasich’s left-wing tendencies on the most critical issues of our time have been on display:  more here

14 Comments on HILLARY IN A SUIT: Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career

  1. If Doug Ross(former #1 bookmark now on….hiatus) is touting it, it’s guaranteed to be a Trump bashing post. Combine Ross and CR, Levine’s mouthpiece, and you’ve got yourself a twofer.

    Daring myself, I hit the link and the very first sentence confirmed it.


  2. The only person who thinks kasich is relevant is john kasich and the far left RINOs.

    Being from Ohio, I say run, john run. The longer he stays out of Ohio the better off Ohioans are.
    Unfortunately his cancerous idea of big government intrusion, oversight and control is being spewed nationally.

  3. Since the Republican primary system is just this yuuge, complex system of Byzantine rules, I would like to add another: once a candidate has been mathematically eliminated from the nomination based on delegate numbers, then he MUST withdraw from the race.

    Then we could all “get over” John Kasich.

  4. Yeah, Kasich is barking mad just like Hellary. He may not get out of the race even if and when a Republican nominee is selected. Hellary’s just as desperate and will try to take out The Bern by any means necessary.

  5. I watched him try to be an “everyman” on C-SPAN last night while eating at a NY deli and the guy has NO social skills. Just a rube and an a$$hole to boot. He ate like 5 pickles. Must remind him of something.

  6. Has he apologized to the Police, yet?

    No? Then Fuck Him!

    Hillary in a suit, indeed. More than just their similar socialist political beliefs, but their veracity and respect for law, as well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Good article.

    I didn’t consider his positions much after the first couple debates, where he tried the old, ‘that’s not who we are’ bullshit when Trump brought up deportation and building that damn wall already.

    Total hack. Needs to GTFO yesterday.

  8. “Although he has no chance of winning a single state, he is still quite relevant because his 20% share in many states is tipping the vote to Donald Trump.”

    What a pant-load.

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