Hillary Lashes Out At Republicans Over Email Server Investigation – IOTW Report

Hillary Lashes Out At Republicans Over Email Server Investigation


hillary wags finger

“It’s not about Benghazi,” Clinton bellowed to applause.

“And you know what, it’s not about emails or servers, either,” she continued. “It’s about politics.”


37 Comments on Hillary Lashes Out At Republicans Over Email Server Investigation

  1. Deceit and deception are the arsenal of corruption.
    hillary is quick on the draw, but she never hits the target.

    This is the real test of a constitutional republic, are elitists above the law of the land?

    hillary for prison, 2016.

  2. Benghazi certainly proved hillary is cold, emotionless, calculated and brutal.

    There’s the conspiracy, it’s against truth, those murdered, their families and the United States.

  3. I love words, love to use them, alliteration is a strong point of mine.
    Being at a loss for words is usually not a problem.
    Words fail me when trying to describe this lying loser of a lush.
    Hard to decide who in the Prog Party I hate worse, O’Baja or Hill the Pill.
    Hate is a strong word, I don’t throw it about with abandon.

  4. Oh man what a great thing to watch her imploding. And these couple of emails are nothing. She’s got 10 of 1,000s to account for. A few more leaks by Jarrett should seal the deal and make way for Joe.

    The left dominated media knows she’s toast. Once they pull out support, and it won’t be long, she’s on her own.

    I have to admit, the years of Gowdy doing a kabuki dance, while seemingly ineffectual, have gotten her trapped.

  5. They say confession is good for the soul, so here goes…

    Yesterday, driving home on the expressway, I roared up on a minivan festooned with “Ready for Hillary” and “I Stand with Hillary” and “Hillary 2016” stickers. I thought “this must be some ugly fat old lesbian driving this piece of shit” but as I pulled around and sidled alongside, I saw that it was a lardass in his mid fifties.

    What kind of DUDE could support this lying, cheating, ugly seeping bag of rat shit?

    So, as he looked over to me, I gave him the international “you’re a fucking idiot” face, complete with the over-the-top hand gesticulation that suggests male masturbation.

    Now that I’ve confessed, I must admit that my actions yesterday felt better than confessing.

  6. Of course it’s about politics, you lying, criminal bitch! You’re running for the office of President of the United States! What do you expect your opponents to do? Ignore your criminality? If you were a Republican, do you think the progressive press would ignore your criminality? Get real. Fuck off and die.


  7. The evidence of her and Obola conspiring to have Amb. Stevens killed was on that server and she’d rather take her chances with the possible “Top Secret” “mistake” than with absolute proof of chemical weapons smuggling and murder.

    The best defense is a good offense and she is well aware that her followers and sycophants are too fucking stupid to understand – and also that the press and Loretta Lynch will run interference.

    Later in the campaign it’ll be “old news” even though the facts are never addressed.
    Just like Whitewater.
    Just like Mena.
    Just like Foster.
    Just like Rose Law Firm.
    Just like the Troopers.
    Just like her security chief.

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