Hillary Laughs When Supporter Says He Wants To ‘Strangle’ Carly Fiorina – IOTW Report

Hillary Laughs When Supporter Says He Wants To ‘Strangle’ Carly Fiorina

hillary laughing

SeanHannity: We’ve often spoken about a double standard in the way conservative women are treated versus liberals like Hillary Clinton. Today, that double standard is on full display once again.

Hillary Clinton was taking questions form the audience at a military event in New Hampshire when one gentlemen began speaking about his experience as an employee of Hewlett-Packard while Carly Fiorina was the company’s CEO. After explaining that he and a number of other employee’s were fired under her leadership, the man said, “every time I see her on TV I want to reach through and strangle her.”

How did Hillary Clinton respond? She laughed and said, “I wouldn’t mess with you.”  WATCH

19 Comments on Hillary Laughs When Supporter Says He Wants To ‘Strangle’ Carly Fiorina

  1. Given that every person who enters a Hillary rally is screened and vetted, it’s obvious that the guy was a plant speaking as a proxy for Hillary, saying something felt, but she couldn’t say herself.

    Much like a muslim, an extremist Hillary wants to kill you. A moderate Hillary wants someone else to kill you.

  2. After she finished pulling the wings off of flies and blinding birds she took the time to laugh with someone as perverted as she.

    Yep, this cackling hag needs to be elected to something …

  3. Any of our ladies at IOTW would have said to the would be strangler, “aw come on now, that’s not nice,” Or something along those lines. Not Killary, She’s a vicious, low-down, Yankee liar.

    Aside. I’m on my way to a Memorial Service for Marine Jim Reece of Battle Creek, Michigan, who passed away recently. RIP Jim.

    God Bless our Veterans

  4. Imaginary but truthy:

    Reporter: I’d like to stake Ted Cruz down on a red ant hill and pour honey over him and then watch for hours as he’s nibbled alive.


    @Loretta is right: inappropriate laughter is quite revealing.

  5. Just like at the House hearings on Benghazi.
    When Chris Stevens was pleading and begging for more security Hillary, with a smile and a chuckle, says he was just joking around.
    She remains the Murdering Bitch of Benghazi.

    Hillary For Prison.

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