Hillary Made Cyber Security Training Video For the State Department – IOTW Report

Hillary Made Cyber Security Training Video For the State Department

Calling James Comey. Calling James Comey. Pick up the Intent Phone.

8 Comments on Hillary Made Cyber Security Training Video For the State Department

  1. I have no recollection of having made this video! And besides State never paid my reduced fee of only $100,000 or notified SAG so I would get film credit on my Union card. And what difference at this point does it make now!

  2. Do you people fact check anything!?

    She made it while also collecting a check at the State Department.

    But the video was made for an overseas, (allegedly) wholly owned, subsidiary of Spishak (who only licensed it to the State Department, through Al Jazeera Pictures, on a per showing basis).

  3. Too bad that Bush appointed, James Comey, is a huge shill for the Bush/Clinton Uniparty & has always been anti-conservative, sold to the American ppl as a good boy scout. I’m looking at you, Nat’l Review liars, who sold him as this paragon of virtue.

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