Hillary might not have closed the door, but the DNC slammed it shut – IOTW Report

Hillary might not have closed the door, but the DNC slammed it shut

Patriot Retort: According to CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Jeff Zeleny, Hillary Clinton hasn’t closed the door on a third run for the Presidency.

And this pretty much sums up the response.



Not gonna happen.

Hillary might not have closed the door, but trust me. The DNC, major donors and the Democrat base not only closed the door, but bolted it, nailed it shut and posted a guard dog on the other side.  more

12 Comments on Hillary might not have closed the door, but the DNC slammed it shut

  1. Wait until she starts to threaten disclosure of information she’s collected on contributors and politicians. This could be very enjoyable to watch unfold.
    She might even snuff Bill just to get the sympathy vote. “Keep Bill’s memory alive”.

  2. Hillary says all these indictments, especially the Roger Stone indictment, have her all fired up. Here’s the thing, Hillary: None of the indictments were to avenge you. They were all done in the service of distracting from your crimes. And the people doing the distracting really want you to go the f–k away.

  3. …look for some sudden, unexplained plane accidents, car accidents, and suicides among prominent Democrats…hmm, this could work out pretty WELL for the Nation, let’s make sure Hillary has all the encouragement she needs to make it happen…

    “(I fear the) treachery of that miserable creature. But so it must be. Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes.”

    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …She DID prevent us from having another Kennedy for President when she needed the Senate seat that John-John was a shoo-in to take before he had, like, an “accident”, and her ambition AND her blood lust know no bounds, so maybe, just maybe, if she gets the red-ass from this rejection by the party she thinks she owns, well…


  4. If new atty general bill barr does not appoint special counsel to investigate clinton, wasserman schultz, holder and the like, we’ll quicly know he’s part of the swamp and is as corruot as that rat jeff sessions.

  5. And after she promised to give a BJ to any official in the DNC who would support her presidential efforts (t would appear that they accepted Cameltoes offer instead)!

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