In an interview Hillary said that-
-“Trump called Mexicans rapists.”
That’s a lie. He said that the border jumpers were often Mexico’s rapists. Is Hillary implying that Mexicans can’t be rapists by virtue of being Mexican?
-“He said a Mexican judge was unqualified. Someone born in Indiana.”
No. That’s a lie. He said that the judge should recuse himself from his case because given his history of supporting La Raza he might not be impartial given that Trump was for policies La Raza is against.
Judges recuse themselves from cases all the time and it’s not because they are unqualified to be a judge, it’s because they are human beings.
– “He’s called women pigs.”
No. He called Rosie O’Donnell a pig. Rosie is fat, but that doesn’t make her plural, nor a woman.
– “He’s mocked a reporter with a disability.”
Yes, he mocked a reporter with a disability, but he DID NOT mock the disability. Does that mean I can’t mock Bill Clinton because he has the debilitating disease of sexual perversion?
-“He launched an attack upon Captain Khan’s mother.”
No. He questioned whether she was allowed to speak because of the oppressive rules of Islam that denigrates women and largely looks upon them as chattel.
Note she has no message or any reason to vote for her. Just a bunch of attacks and lies to encourage people from voting Trump.
“DEATH by a THOUSAND CUTS”.. Keep on slicing, Cankles. You are succeeding. At this point, the Dhimmos should just gag her Thighness and duct tape her carpet muncher shut. She is now her own worst enemy. lol. Don’t you love it? Every word out of her mouth is another nail in her political coffin.
Two weeks until the debate, Hillary. How’s that debate prep going? Got the med cocktail figured out yet?
The POWERS behind the Clintoon Cartel throne have the cocktail ready…one part rohypnol to 9 parts solubilized derivative from the castor bean plant. Starts with an “r” and ends with “n”. At this point what difference does it make? they have lost the NWO, match point, set, game. NOW her Thighness gets to pay the fiddler for all that wasted loot. This is going to be worse than ugly.
All these misstatements could be attributable to her “brain injury”. Her brain could be as hard to locate as a speck of dirt in a box car.
See the big black guy in the picture with his head circled. I’d like about 20 minutes with him (and to be honest a number of other guys) and a waterboard. I suspect he knows more about Clinton’s medical conditions then the doctors and he’s there to prevent it from coming out in public as he’s done on a few occasions.
@Voir Dire; Ok, I’ll bite what’s the reference to the castor bean preparation to Rohypnol? Ricin? Labour Producer?
your second choice, scr_north.
Old shrill Hill is certifiably insane!
One of the great ‘ironic statements of History’. What a filthy dirt bag hypocrite she is as there numerous public images and statements she has made over time denoting her racism, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia, and islamophobia! She is
a greedy fool who is beloved and supported by some of the worst dictators of the world and sucks from their national treasuries! She is also anti-Christian, anti-military, anti-America and supports infanticide! She is an incompetent hack that has taken part in ruinous policies and decisions that have demeaned and degraded this country! She is an inflamed pimple on the butt of a boil! Plus her dirtbag of a husband has degraded and sullied their so-called marriage of convenience just like his continued rancid and putrid existence has done to this country! If you don’t believe it You can look it up!
“I ain’t no ways tired” Hillary has yet to say with her henchman on call with the injector.
democrats continue to return to their own vomit. We finally get an outsider, like everyone whined about for decades, and they
throw stones at Trump and line up behind her. Not to mention half the republicans in congress too.
The last time I saw a politician resort to mere name calling was on Election Eve, when GHWB, in knowing desperation, started shouting about some guy he called “Ozone Man.” We all know how that election turned out.
Cripes, we’re still two months out and this is the best the KKKlinton KKKamp can muster?
They’re fucking toast.