Hillary raises money off Louisiana flood crisis – IOTW Report

Hillary raises money off Louisiana flood crisis

Hillary Clinton is attempting to cash in on the plight of Louisiana flood victims.


The Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook penned a fundraising email to supporters on Friday, invoking the crisis and seeking donations — but not for the victims.

Instead, for Hillary’s campaign.

9 Comments on Hillary raises money off Louisiana flood crisis

  1. They must be feeling the bern still.

    Methinks the people who have the cash that aren’t giving it are privy to the REAL poll numbers and also have heard through the grapevine about Cankles health condition and realize that her goose is cooked.

  2. This is so obviously put up, one wonders what the agenda is, really? Hillary takes her millions tax-free and quietly goes away to a non-extradition country? Who is in the bag for the DNC grifters to be Prezzy? Huma? Slick? Bernie pretty much roasted his own butt over the ‘late in life crisis’ of buying a mansion and other old man toys with his donor given funds. Barky executive orders his way in to Emperor for Life?

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