Hillary Releases Health Record – IOTW Report

Hillary Releases Health Record


34 Comments on Hillary Releases Health Record

  1. Dicking Bimbos Greatest Hits

    Silicon, Schmilicon, Those Are Great Tits
    Chappaqua Dreamin’
    The Secret Service Has My Back So Get On Yours
    The Energizer Bunny Hop
    I Got A Hard Drive In The Basement
    Get On All Fours Baby So I Can Test Drive My Meds

  2. It would be funny as hell to have video of Powell saying that. Then follow that with the Three Stooges then the movie audience slapping themselves in the forehead. I bet that is what colin powell has been doing.

  3. First things first. Let’s see if Cankles can:
    1. walk to a podium under her own steam.
    2. think on her ass since someone nearby will be jamming frequencies to throw her off the whispered answers in her earpiece.
    3. last more than 10 mins without keeling over or spazzing out.
    4. make it without her big nubian to shoot her back up with that L -dopa parkinson drug she so DOES NOT HAVE.
    5. be able to walk away at the end of the debate under her own steam.
    6. rinse and repeat at the other two debates.

  4. Come on BFH, delete that Larry of the 3 Stooges comment already. They play by that rulebook. Why be nice now? Too much is at stake.

    Larry is a parody account. It’s one of you guys. I’m not telling who. -bfh

  5. Madame Tussaud’s is working feverishly on the Killary animatronic wax work wired for sound to attend the debate.

    Interesting note: That Levoquin that Dr. I.M. Kooky allegedly prescribed for Kill’s pneumonia is contraindicated in people taking Coumadin and in people w/seizures. I got my MD mail order from Jamaica and I know better than the uncertified quack.

  6. “The letter states she is up to date on her vaccines, including Pneumovax, the pneumonia vaccine. That’s odd…because she has pneumonia.”

    And this:

    “I just looked up Prevnar … that’s a pneumonia vaccine too! So she’s up to date with TWO pneumonia vaccines yet fell ill with pneumonia. Hmmm.”

  7. Google this Bardack chick.

    If Hilary is actually depending on Bardack for actual treatment of whatever Godawful diagnosis she’s actually suffering from, then she’s an even bigger fool than I thought.

  8. Didn’t change the channel fast enough tonight and watched the CBS take on Hilary’s health records. After some Doctor babe told Scott Pelley how healthy she was, they heard from Major Garret about Trump.
    Pelley then says to the Doctor babe, “At 6′ 2″ and 230 pounds Donald Trump is obese.” to which she agrees. Not a word about Butterball Hilary’s height and weight. If she wouldn’t be considered morbidly obese by any rational standard then I don’t know who would be.
    The stream media doesn’t even bother to try and hide their bias anymore.

  9. Just read the doctor’s letter. Is she deaf, blind, and dumb?

    There’s no way a person that fat would have a cholesterol reading of 189. And a calcium score of zero? Half of all women have a positive score by age 55. What makes Hillary, at age 68, so blessed as to have no sign of heart disease?

    All I can say is, I hope the bribe she took from Hillary will set her up for life, because this is the kind of shit that makes doctors lose their licenses.

  10. She is having a A grand mal seizure — also known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure — features a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It’s the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures in general. Grand mal seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain.

    Where is that on the report?

    Grand mal seizures have two stages: Tonic phase. Loss of consciousness occurs, and the muscles suddenly contract and cause the person to fall down. This phase tends to last about 10 to 20 seconds. Clonic phase.

    I have a friend who does this. It’s what Hillary did while waiting for the van.

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