Hillary Says Bill Ain’t Going Anywhere – He Will Still Grub For Foreign Money In Return For Favors While Hillary Runs For President – IOTW Report

Hillary Says Bill Ain’t Going Anywhere – He Will Still Grub For Foreign Money In Return For Favors While Hillary Runs For President

Imagine the money that can be made by accepting graft from people who believe your wife may become president!!


Hillary Clinton told ABC News’ David Muir today that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, should not have to step down before the election from his position at the Clinton Foundation.

“I don’t think there are conflicts of interest,” the Democratic presidential nominee said in a joint interview today with running mate Sen. Tim Kaine. “I know that that’s what has been alleged and never proven. But nevertheless, I take it seriously.”

To watch David Muir’s interview with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, watch “Good Morning America” at 7 a.m. Tuesday and “World News Tonight” at 6:30 p.m.

“I’m very proud of the work that the Clinton Foundation has done,” Clinton said. “It’s a world-renowned charity because of the work that my husband started and many, many people helped him with. … He started this great work. He has made it his life’s work, after the presidency. And he has said, if I am so fortunate enough to be elected, he will not be involved. And I think that is appropriate.”


6 Comments on Hillary Says Bill Ain’t Going Anywhere – He Will Still Grub For Foreign Money In Return For Favors While Hillary Runs For President

  1. Sure babe, sure.

    It’s such a sa-weet scam, I know it just kills you, even if you’re president, to give it up. There’s no doubt that if elected, you two scum birds will still be grinding cash out of foreign countries. Some how, some way, cause, yaknow, you two are so clever, you’ll be lining your pockets.

    It’s just your nature to be avaricious.

  2. I am looking forward to her resounding defeat and the spectacle of the Clinton donors abandoning them en masse. The only reason the CF gets any dough is because donors are assured they’ll get special favors from the powerful. No power no moolah.

  3. “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.”

    (I don’t speak Latin, but it sounds kool)

    Why pretend to be honest, now? What difference, after all this time, does it make?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Skunks don’t smell any better with time. They never change their stripes. Why would anyone expect criminal, skunky Hillary to do so?

    She’s taking bids right now, at her Auctioning of All Things American, brought to you by the Clinton Family Auction. No shame, because she has the Kool aid drinkers slurping down her poison. EVERYTHING against her is a ‘conspiracy’. She’s a broken, scratched record.

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