Hillary Slams ‘Systemic Racism’ But Conveniently Leaves Out Racist Comments She Made In the Past – IOTW Report

Hillary Slams ‘Systemic Racism’ But Conveniently Leaves Out Racist Comments She Made In the Past


Townhall: Hillary Clinton on Saturday shared a Medium post about the need to “dismantle systemic racism,” a clear reaction to the George Floyd protests that have swept the nation. While it’s nice that she wants to change things, it’s as though she forgot about racist comments she’s made in the past.

According to the twice-failed presidential candidate, people can make a difference by donating to a coalition comprised of Collective Future, Color of Change Education Fund, Higher Heights and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

Through their Education Fund, the Collective is working to recruit, train, and fund Black judicial, prosecutorial and attorney general candidates to ensure more representative leaders for the criminal justice system. Color of Change is a national online force dedicated to holding corporations and elected leaders accountable in the fight to end practices and systems that unfairly hold Black people back. Higher Heights supports the Black women’s leadership pipeline. And the NAACP Legal Defense Fund works toward racial justice through litigation, advocacy, and public education.

What we are seeing across the country right now is the power of solidarity. Many of us will never know the pain of having to sit our son or daughter down and have “the talk” about how carefully they need to act around police, because the slightest wrong move could get them hurt or even killed. But we can recognize our privilege, practice humility, and speak out against white supremacy in all its forms.

For many white people, conversations about systemic racism and our own privilege are uncomfortable. Here’s what I’ve learned over the years: That discomfort is a good thing. It’s a necessary part of examining our own biases and actions, and our own role in perpetuating inequality.

It’s rather rich that Hillary wants to talk about “systemic racism” when she has continually said and done things that do not align with the black community.

Remember when she said, “I know they all look alike” in reference to black men? more here

9 Comments on Hillary Slams ‘Systemic Racism’ But Conveniently Leaves Out Racist Comments She Made In the Past

  1. Hillary darling, would this be a convenient time to discuss the money you raised for those dark skinned Haitian hurricane victims then kept 95% for yourself? Or would you rather we talk about you arranging to set up an extremely lucrative mineral management gig you set up for your white brother at the expense of a dark skinned native?


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