Hillary Snubs Girls and Boys Club – IOTW Report

Hillary Snubs Girls and Boys Club


  • Between 30 and 35 kids age 5-13 were told they would meet the presidential candidate, but she never showed
  • Children wrote her letters, painted signs, drew pictures and even decorated the door of a bathroom for her with a giant gold dressing-room star
  • ‘There were tears, they were really looking forward to it,’ a Boys & Girls Club representative said
  • 8-year-old said Hillary made him ‘kind of angry and mad at the same time’
  • His father vented to a TV journalist: ‘You want to be the President of the United States? It starts with the youth. You couldn’t even live up to a promise that was made or told to these kids?’
  • Clinton’s latest campaign ad focuses on her own granddaughter: ‘I think to myself, “We are going to do everything we can to make sure she has opportunities in life. But what about all the kids?'”


10 Comments on Hillary Snubs Girls and Boys Club

  1. The only people Hilldabeest care for is her camel taint lover, the horse-faced daughter and her girl… and any potential lizzies Jabba can lure into bed..the rest can go pound sand in the Sahara, including Slick….a pure demon from Hell that one is….

  2. She’s barely phoning it in.

    I’m taking great pleasure watching this-I only hope it gets really vicious when Biden jumps in.

    Ideally, her and Joey will tear each other to pieces and Bernie will be the last man standing. Trump could put their debates on Pay per View and pay off the national debt.

  3. ‘kind of angry and mad at the same time’

    Shit. He’s already got the mental acuity of a Democrat.

    I’m holding out hope for him since there’s no where to go but up for him. Hopefully he gets exposed to a conservative mind at some time.

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