Hillary Speaks – “She’s a Maker” – IOTW Report

Hillary Speaks – “She’s a Maker”

In Hillary’s first professional appearance since Trump’s inauguration, Hillary sits in a granny suit made from a potato sack, looking weathered, and proudly proclaims that she is a “maker,” and the future belongs to makers.

A “maker” is a woman. What do you suppose “maker” refers to? I doubt it’s “homemaker.” Are they saying women make stuff and men don’t? That’s absurd.

No, I think the inference is that women are the ones who have babies, and they are delineating the specialness of women apart from what men can offer, and that is EXTREMELY HURTFUL TO THE MEN WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE MAKERS!!!!

How are we going to deal with the mentalĀ overload of this boy


who is being told by everyone that he’s a girl? He is obviously not a “maker.” (Sorry, dude. You’re a dude who thinks he’s a woman, like anorexics who think they are fat.)

I love how the left wants us to be colorblind – until they need to divide along color lines for political reasons.

I love how they say women and men are the same – until they need to divide the sexes for political reasons.

“Don’t discriminate until we tell you to.” – The Left

Here’s Mrs. Potato Sack-

ht/ The Big Owe

60 Comments on Hillary Speaks – “She’s a Maker”

  1. She doesn’t give a crap about this “Makers Mission” story telling whatever. She’s trying to rebuild some reputation now that the Clinton Foundation is being reinvestigated by real FBI and the NYPD. If they do their jobs right then the whole thing ought to come tumbling down and the officers of the foundation (including Bill, Hillary and Chelsea) will be in for a world of hurt. Imagine their surprise at being hauled in front of an honest Judge only interested in the law. I wonder which one would role on the others first.

  2. Not to burst anyone’s bubble, but the future has always been female – from the day Eve got suckered into biting that apple and thus condemning the entire human race from that point on to constant suffering and toil.


  3. STOP!! There’s a money-making scam somewhere in there! She’s a grifter. I’m sure that “this year’s conference” will feature Hillary speaking for the measly sum of $200K, plus a 10-room suite, special diet, a Gran Mal Seizure-MobileĀ®, and a private jet.

  4. She’s a maker of lies, dissimulations, prevarications, and mendacities.
    She’s a maker of $Hundred of $Millions through influence peddling.
    She’s a maker of death through hesitation and deceit.
    She’s a maker of chaos and anarchy through incendiary orations.
    She’s a maker of Hell on Earth through political manipulations (in Egypt, Libya, Syria, &c.).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If maker refers to baby making, she MUST own killer, as in abortion.

    Actually, they need a man in some way to MAKE a baby, but ABORTING one is strictly on their shoulders.

    HRC is for all out for, no restrictions abortion. I think the term KILLER is more appropriate, in many ways.

  6. You arrogant cunt.
    You refer to the giving of birth as Making?
    You make nothing.
    You occupy a body you were born in.
    The process involved was started long before you came along.
    You just participated in it.
    You want to say you ‘make’ so you have a firmer claim on the ‘right’ to destroy. I see through you, and condemn you for the lying, hateful witch you are.

  7. @Burner February 7, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    > ā€˜Makerā€™ is already taken

    Oh, Burner, you seem to think that’s accidental. “Makers” made something. Now Professional Makers take it. See how that works?

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