Hillary Spoofed on SNL – IOTW Report

Hillary Spoofed on SNL

Saturday Night Live actually takes a shot at the Democrat frontrunner that doesn’t try to soften the blow halfway through the sketch.


It could have been a more devastating attack on Socialist Bernie Sanders, but I’ll settle on Hillary Clinton being taken down a notch.

Anybody watch this episode of SNL? I keep forgetting the show is even on anymore.



How many sketches making fun of Trump or Cruz or Rubio did they run in penance for the sin of attacking their own?


4 Comments on Hillary Spoofed on SNL

  1. SomeGuy,
    Thanks, I think.
    At least I didn’t have to log into the original link to view.
    That being said, it was a pitiful sketch.
    Seriously, not much off from her ghetto speak or audience oriented dialect morphing.
    Actress is too thin and attractive (even after Bernie morph) to be convincing as PIAPS.

  2. Martin O’Malley (Taran Killam), Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) and Bernie Sanders (Larry David) answer questions from moderator Rachel Maddow (Cecily Strong) at the MSNBC Democratic candidates forum.


    CNN Election Center Cold Open
    Jake Tapper (Beck Bennett) covers Super Tuesday, including Donald Trump (Darrell Hammond) and Hillary Clinton’s (Kate McKinnon) big wins, Ted Cruz’s (Taran Killam) second place showing and Mitt Romney (Jason Sudeikis). [Season 41, 2016]


    laugh out loud Ben Carson beat up at Trump rally, puts a Trump steak on his black eye HAHAHAHAH!
    Carson Endorsement Cold Open
    CNN’s Jake Tapper (Beck Bennett) interviews Dr. Ben Carson (Jay Pharoah) after his endorsement of Donald Trump (Darrell Hammond) and checks in with Sen. Bernie Sanders (Larry David).

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