Hillary Supporter Frets About Trump’s Potential Conflict of Interests – IOTW Report

Hillary Supporter Frets About Trump’s Potential Conflict of Interests


President of Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden demonstrates the not so subtle art of  hypocrisy in the service ideology.  She takes one for the team by bringing up the potential for a conflict of interest in the President elect’s business holdings and completely ignoring the various high crimes and misdemeanors of the Clintons and their Foundation.

Expect more leftist to pick up this line of attack in the coming days, since the best they’ve manage so far is a Green Party lead recount effort that’s going no where.


19 Comments on Hillary Supporter Frets About Trump’s Potential Conflict of Interests

  1. But no one in the media will ever counter an accusation of Trump’s business dealings with Clinton’s foundation activities. Especially since they are still firmly in Hillary’s pocket.

  2. TheBigOwe: Yes, but refuse to bake a cake, or espouse a differing view point on a college campus, then you are in big trouble. Joe was right, this guy wants first aments rights when it suits his views but wants to block them for everyone else.

    I have not heard of anyone suggest that someone be stripped of his citizenship for during the flag except, perhaps, if the person is naturalized. Countries have long stripped naturalized citizens of their citizenship when those people act against the interests of their new countries. What is the difference here? If they hate the U.S.A. so much then why should we allow them to keep their adopted citizenship?

  3. To my knowledge the only crowd that got filthy rich while in the White House were the Klintons and the Obamas. Trump is taking one dollar a year for his service. Neera Tanden is a phoney, a phuckin’ phoney.

  4. There is one primary and difference between the differing views on “business conflicts of interest.” Trump had built all of his business empire and wealth BEFORE he decided to go into public service. He doesn’t want, need nor will he take even the salary due him. The Clintons were penniless grifters who made all of their scratch by way of political connections and influence from the very beginning — all types, legal, unethical and downright criminal, and it continues to this day. There is no, I repeat NO, comparison.

  5. Neera, you cretina, aside from yourself and your cronies, can you name “a lot of people” who are worried about Trump’s “conflicts of interest”? Nsme one of substance? I know a lot of people who think you are a dunce.

  6. Neera honey, perhaps you should ask yourself “how many criminals became extremely wealthy by giving Ocommie a million then getting multi million dollar government grants or contracts?” That otta keep your sweet little heart busy for a few years.

  7. The only GOOD politician is a reluctant politician. One for the service of the Nation, takes the time away from his real job to serve. Those who make millions while pretending to serve are not good politicians.

  8. When he “paid to play” when Sir Edmund Cankles ran for the Senate (twice), it was okay. This crunt wouldn’t know a conflict of interest if one bit her on the lips–any of the three sets she presumably has.

  9. I saw another her article where they are saying he is in violation of the lease agreement for his new D.C. Hotel (former post office) which prohibits any elected official from participating in the lease.

  10. These idiots are missing the obvious here: He’s just been elected and HASN’T BEEN SWORN IN!!! He’s got until January to put his business in order (either blind trust, or let kids run the show or a little of both). Of all the things he has to worry about with the transition, I am positive his lawyers and the transition official will make sure he is in compliance. This is nothing more than 24 hr news cycle claptrap

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