Hillary Tacks Back To Single Payer – IOTW Report

Hillary Tacks Back To Single Payer

When she was trying to define herself as less reprehensible than the Socialist Bernie Sanders, Hillary proclaimed that single payer would “never ever happen.”   Now she’s declaring her intention to “defend and extend” Obamacare and offers up a “public option” for a cure.


As if we needed yet another reason to vote against the Democrats and the head of their party.


4 Comments on Hillary Tacks Back To Single Payer

  1. Leave it to Mrs. Clinton to try the same thing that failed in the Soviet Union, China, and Great Britain 70 years ago – and is failing (as she speaks) in Venezuela and Cuba.


    izlamo delenda est …

  2. That stupid cunt will saying ANYTHING to get elected. And Charlie Crist calls her honest? REALLY? NWO needs to be hunted down and brought to the dungeon for some attitude adjustments. No worries about survivors..there wont be any leave the persuasion chambers alive.

  3. Oh, healthcare. I thought this was about her economic plan: Destroy the economy so thoroughly that there is only a single tax-payer left, funding all the free shit for her army of foreign fifth-column terrorist “immigrants.”

    My bad.

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