Hillary to charge outrageous sums to attend book signing tour – IOTW Report

Hillary to charge outrageous sums to attend book signing tour

BPR: Hillary Clinton is set to embark on a book-signing tour to promote her upcoming memoir but if you’re interested in attending an event, be prepared to shell out some serious cash.

The former Democratic presidential nominee will kick off her tour next month to promote “What Happened,” her new book chronicling the election that she lost to President Trump which is set for release on Sept. 12. Publisher Simon & Schuster announced the first 15 cities of the book tour earlier this week.

A “VIP platinum ticket” for her Sept. 28 appearance in Toronto will cost $2,375.95, or $3,000 in Canadian dollars, and provide two front-row seats, a photo with Clinton backstage and a signed book, according to Fox News. The same VIP ticket is being offered for Clinton’s upcoming appearances in Montreal and Vancouver as well.  read more

25 Comments on Hillary to charge outrageous sums to attend book signing tour

  1. Here is the gist of the “What Happened” book tour according to Hillary. “People thought I was a greedy, lying bitch who would sell the White House for a hefty fee, so they didn’t vote for me. That will be $2,500 and thanks for coming.”

  2. Hey, she has to make up for all the lost Clinton Foundation “donations” that could have been made after Hurricane Harvey if she were preezy.

    Just think, after Clinton costs and overhead, Houston would have received at least 6.2% of the donated funds.

  3. Of course the problem is that there are enough of my fellow Canadians that will fork out that kind of cash (instead of say, donating to pet rescues in Houston or something else that will make a difference in a life) so as to say they shook hands with this fraud. I don’t know if she’ll do the same in the US but suffice to say she probably realizes that that book sales aren’t going to get anywhere close to her advance and she’s wired to squeeze out every last cent she can legally or illegally. I wish to hell Sessions would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her time as SecState or her dealings with the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton Foundation etc etc etc.

  4. … she probably realizes that that book sales aren’t going to get anywhere close to her advance …

    Like the publisher is going to try to drag back any overpayment. This is just an elaborate scheme to launder a bribe to Hillary/Clintons.

  5. @Loco:

    Beautifully done–please take a bow!?!

    What happened.


    There, Killary…no need for a whole book of even more excuses. Hope sales aren’t! (No, no mistake there–just a short way to say HOPE YOU FAIL TO SELL ANY, GREEDY BEYOTCH!)!!!

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