Hillary To Deliver Keynote Address on Cyber Security – IOTW Report

Hillary To Deliver Keynote Address on Cyber Security

Daily Caller

Hillary Clinton, who used a private email server as secretary of state, will speak at a cyber defense summit later in 2019, it was announced Thursday.

FireEye, a cybersecurity company based in California, announced Clinton will give the keynote speech at its annual summit in Washington, D.C., in October. More

“Cyber security is not any one defender’s responsibility, but a global effort — a cause championed by many

31 Comments on Hillary To Deliver Keynote Address on Cyber Security

  1. Gee, if a re-investigation of the FBI tanked investigation of her and the private server deliver a indictment on her lap in the middle of her keynote speech would that effectively serve notice that the reign of the Hillybeast is over? I can only imagine Trump sitting in the WH, feet up enjoying a glass pointing at the TV screen and saying “Gotcha”

  2. Absolutely delusional.

    …although on the other hand, no one knows more about theft than a thief. Perhaps if she recounted all her crimes and ended up by saying “Now, don’t do what I did if you don’t want every one in the world to steal the Nation’s most highly classified secrets”, perhaps THEN it would be worth something…

    Nah. That would require The Butcher of Benghazi to actually be HONEST about something, and she’s just not capable of that….

  3. …and while Hildabeast should hang for her MANY crimes, including THESE, to be perfectly honest it didn’t matter in THIS case, anyway. Because “Obama” was “President”, I’m QUITE sure that ALL of our Nation’s secrets were well known from the Urals to the Pyrenees, and all 57 Muslim nations received automatic BCC’s of everything from HIM, anyway…

  4. mrhanoverfist MAY 31, 2019 AT 12:16 PM
    “I can hear it now. How to aid & abet the enemy via cybersecurity. Everyone in the audience will receive free bleachbit software.”

    …every DEMOCRAT in the audience will receive TAYPAYER-FUNDED software, you mean, otherwise spot-on…

  5. scr_north MAY 31, 2019 AT 12:05 PM
    “Gee, if a re-investigation of the FBI tanked investigation of her and the private server deliver a indictment on her lap in the middle of her keynote speech would that effectively serve notice that the reign of the Hillybeast is over? ”

    …Actually, I would have someone record the entire speech FIRST, because she’s really not that bright and refuses to listen to good advice, so it’s SUPER likely she’ll say something incriminating…

  6. Everyone in the audience is snickering silently, knowing that it is a colossal joke. If they paid good $$ to hear her BS, then the joke’s on them.

    If anyone is invested in FireEye, get out NOW!

  7. File this in the: “You Gotta B Shittin Me” folder!
    This is the same Bitch who once stated she didn’t know how to operate a FAX machine!!

    Gee Wally, I wouldn’t trust her to put batteries in a flashlight the right way!
    Hell Beave, I wouldn’t trust her with a burnt out match for that matter!

  8. Left Coast Dan MAY 31, 2019 AT 12:33 PM
    “Will Allen Funt be in attendance?”

    …I keep HOPING that someone pops up and says this was all just a big joke, @LCD, but so far, the joke seems to be on US…

    …Nice Candid Camera reference, though. Probably about a half-dozen or so of us old enough to remember it…

  9. Tim is correct: Payola.

    But it also serves another interest in the left’s playbook. The blatant irony is meant to stir us up and cumulatively add one more insane event meant to drive us beyond what we can tolerate. They want violence from us and can’t understand, with all the attacks on MAGA by their toadies, why we don’t take the bait.

    What they are trying to do by poking the bear repeatedly, is to get us to act. Then they will whine to the world about how evil we are and they think that will move the UN to put us down.

    I believe they think they can win. They truly are delusional.

  10. perhaps FireEye booked her for the irony of it all and to watch her shocked angry face when everyone in the audience starts guffawing at her.


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