Hillary Told to Tone Down “Tribute” To Benghazi Dead – IOTW Report

Hillary Told to Tone Down “Tribute” To Benghazi Dead


Mandy Grunwald is one of Hillary’s senior advisors and her campaign media consultant who has been with the Clintons for decades.  Among John Podesta’s e-mails provided by Wikileaks, the Clinton consulting team worked on her prepared remarks before the congressional select committee on Benghazi and Ms. Grunwald offered some sage advise for the then secretary of state.

She advised her boss not to “overdo the tribute” to the four men who died in Benghazi under Hillary’s watch when addressing the committee.


4 Comments on Hillary Told to Tone Down “Tribute” To Benghazi Dead

  1. Manipulative, lying, murdering dyke. She will say ANYTHING to get in power, then fry and incinerate all of us. And these foolish twats what her in office??? REALLY? The giant of silent Americans is waking to bash the shit out of the Cunt of Benghazi on election day.

  2. Heartless, cold and calculated.
    Hillary’s hands are covered in the blood of Patriots.
    The democrats are still saying, “What difference does it make?”
    Those who vote for Hillary are as heartless and cold as Hillary. Shame be upon them.

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