Hillary Wants to Be CEO of Facebook – IOTW Report

Hillary Wants to Be CEO of Facebook

breitbart.com: Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she would like to be CEO of Facebook.

Speaking to an audience at Harvard University, alongside Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, Clinton was asked what company, if any, she would like to be CEO of.

Clinton said she made Facebook her choice because the social media giant is the “biggest news platform in the world.” MORE

SNIP: She couldn’t protect, or may have sold, classified data, so why would we believe she’d keep ours safe?

27 Comments on Hillary Wants to Be CEO of Facebook

  1. The perfect venue for that phony, disingenuous creature, where people can lie with casual abandon! She would suddenly appear as a healthy, 40 year old beauty jogging down a trail thru the woods in Chappaqua… with Bill chasing her!

  2. Huzzah! Let’s voluntarily upload our CIA profile to facebook, and let Hillary have access to it!

    (Remember all those FBI private records laying all over the White House floor when they were in office?)

  3. Huh? I thought she already was. + google + Twitter + NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC and they still couldn’t get her over the finish line. Maybe she’ll join the board of Hulu.

  4. Lost a bid for the White House? find another venue that’s ripe for exercising heavy control over people’s lives. I see why facebook would be so appealing to her.


  5. Sad part is, facebook would probably have her … it.

    She is a constant reminder of the effeminacy of the US and our inability to discern fact from fiction … or “truth” from lies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This woman should not be CEO of anything.
    She should be wearing an orange pantsuit and CEO of laundry detail.

    It is absolutely beyond belief that despicable human being who has lied and cheated her entire life is still free and going on with life as usual for her. Only now she’s a walking “pity party”.

  7. Is that something you would be capable of doing from a prison cell? Oh, never mind, you have proven to be incapable of doing anything but complaining and blaming everyone for your mountain of miserable failures.

  8. She’d literally be throwing away all the W’s, sort of like when they, the Clinton’s and their ilk removed all the W’s from White House computers and typewriters when George W. Bush became President. Her middle name should be Spite.

  9. “Forever Madam Secretary, what company would you like to be CEO of?”

    “I’m quite happy right now, running the Clinton Foundation, thank you.”

    I guess nobody wanted to go there.

  10. Nail her to an oak board and put her out back of the garage.

    Justice. Greek style (Athenian – OK, they didn’t have garages but they DID have stables).

    izlamo delenda est …


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