Hillary – What Difference Does 2 Classified Emails Make At This Point? – IOTW Report

Hillary – What Difference Does 2 Classified Emails Make At This Point?

23 Comments on Hillary – What Difference Does 2 Classified Emails Make At This Point?

  1. In a country that wasn’t functionally retarded, this crone and her rapist husband would be cooling their heels in prison, not thriving on a quarter Billion dollars fleeced out of every major American university and institution in exchange for political favors and government access.

    Really, it’s so grotesque, so outrageous, and also simultaneously shrugged off by so many people that should know better that I find myself utterly and completely fatigued with her and the whole damn country.

    I’m finishing my drink and going to bed.

    A pox on all of them.

  2. For the Clintons’, this would be poetic justice that a computer part takes them down.
    Remember they removed the ‘W’ keys from the keyboards when they left the Spite House.

    The ‘Delete’ key BITCHES!
    SUCK IT in your orange jump suit…size: COW!

  3. Email is inherently insecure unless it’s signed and encrypted with the likes of PGP. For government to use it with their ineptitude shows they throw all caution to the wind when equipped with technology. Can someone explain to the government Instant Messenger (with encryption) is an option when questioning a fax or getting lemonade? Anything else needs to be sent via the Pony Express with a wax seal. As for travel get back to luxury trains, at least they are big enough to haul the entire entourage and a few car loads of food for the poor minority sanctuary seeking children, not to mention all the hitchers to ride along in the symptomatic economy.

  4. If the Clintons actually ever turn over a server it will be a blank one paid for by the taxpayers.
    Cheap greedy worthless bastards won’t even buy it themselves.

    The real server is currently on the ocean floor next to the bodies of Bin Laden, Jimmy Hoffa, and Vince Foster…

  5. It just struck me that not only could the Chinese be extorting that evil thing BUT they can even really put the fear in her by putting out news that she SOLD them classified information. It might even be true.

    I’ll bet Hillary lays awake nights in a cold sweat of fear. I hope she feels like an animal in a cage of her own making getting poked by sticks at every revelation of her treason.

  6. I think the difference is going to be one is a misdemeanor and the other is a felony. It would be especially interesting if it could be proved that it was hacked no matter by whom. I think that would end her run right then. The Dems would finally start to see her for what she truly is (Bill would be caught in the fallout as well along with Chelsea), the money would dry up and you’d see a lot of Dems taking a shot at the brass ring.

  7. Somebody gots to tell POTUS that Hillary had emails pointing out how she would, as POTUS, indict BHO for something (anything!). Or his wife.
    That should do her in, once and for all.

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