Hillary’s Appearance Requirements Leaked – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Appearance Requirements Leaked

The Smoking Gun has released a document that spells out the conditions Hillary Clinton demanded for those seeking her as a speaker. The list was apparently among the items hacked from the DNC.

Among the requirements; transport on a Gulfstream 450 or larger, luxury suite and a stenographer to document her remarks. All of this on top of her standard $225,000 speaking fee.


Any organization that complied with these conditions defrauded its members.

7 Comments on Hillary’s Appearance Requirements Leaked

  1. Hey Loco, some snowflakes get upset with the word “cunt”. I’ve started using “vulva” in its place and that seems to get the same reaction. You just can’t please some people.

  2. Hillary is a master at suckering idiots into paying high dollar for zilch. Judging by her campaign speeches, gibberish is all they got. $1000 to pay a stenographer for transcripts of zilch and they don’t even get a copy! ‘One born every minute’, has changed to Hillary’s creed, ‘how many liberal idiots can I bilk’

  3. You guys are missing the point. The companies/universities paying Hillary these fees are going to get a return on their investment, if they haven’t already. It’s called corruption, and I’m sure the 225k will be a small price to pay if she becomes president.

  4. @joe6pak “Hey Loco, some snowflakes get upset with the word “cunt”. I’ve started using “vulva” in its place and that seems to get the same reaction. You just can’t please some people.”

    My days of pleasing these assholes is over. I will now go out of my way to piss them off.

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