Hillary’s Election Night – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Election Night

A satirical review of  The. Last. Night. Of. The. Hildebeast.
This is some funny sh!t right here!
Even after the FLOOD of schadenfreudelicious vids out there,
THIS ONE is at least one of – if not – THE BEST!
I found it at American Digest (hurrah Gerard!)
 —Czar of Defenestration

14 Comments on Hillary’s Election Night

  1. He’s close.
    But her meltdown comes from survival instincts of the larger Mantis species.
    Denied her quest for power (she must have it to survive) she must prepare for hibernation.
    As you can see she has lost the blue contacts, the mood altering drugs, and the army of machines designed to keep her Mantis affectations to a minimum. She is preparing to enter the pupae state where she will hibernate until the political climate is more favorable for her continuing bid for power.
    Observe that the outer layer of human camouflage is no longer necessary and will eventually dissolve and form the shell of her hibernation chamber.
    DNC officials are feverishly attempting to force more calories into Bill Clinton so that when she feeds for the last time before hibernation, his body will have enough nutrient content to sustain her throughout the transformation.

  2. I sure wish we could get a first person account of Hillary assaulting her underlings to absolutely confirm this story.

    I bet Podesta gets his tell all book out first to beat them all to the money pile.

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