Hillary’s email server chronology – IOTW Report

Hillary’s email server chronology

Michelle Obama’s Mirror:

… “So imagine my surprise when the FBI found supposedly ‘Top, Top Secret’ documents among my emails!”

hillary face

“No problems; I unplugged my computer.”

hillary unplugged

The rest is here

8 Comments on Hillary’s email server chronology

  1. Another example of a Clinton, “Shazaam!”

    Shazaam! Billy Jeff”s pants were around his ankles… again.

    Shazaam! Billy Jeff’s pants and some top secret files are on my thumb drive!

  2. This was sent to Hillary supporters earlier today:

    “You might hear some news over the next few days about Hillary Clinton’s emails,” began the email from Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for Hillary for America.

    Which is actually sad but true.
    It has been in conservative news since March but they are just now bracing for the shit to hit the fan in the MSM.

  3. BREAKING: State Dept Official to Fox News: Hillary INSIDER may have REMOVED ‘Top Secret’ markings

    Fox News is reporting tonight that someone in the Hillary Clinton insider club may have tampered with ‘Top Secret’ documents by removing the markings that identified those documents as ‘Top Secret’, which would be a felony!


    Read more: http://therightscoop.com/breaking-state-dept-official-to-fox-news-hillary-insider-may-have-removed-top-secret-markings/#ixzz3ifDbp6cg

  4. Well well well, here comes Humas’ big chance to take a ‘volunteered’ dive under the bus for Hillary.

    “It wasn’t me! It was…Huma!! Huma did it!! Yeah, that’s the ticket!!”

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