Hillary’s Improvised Muumuu is Ridiculous – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Improvised Muumuu is Ridiculous

Does she think this is fooling anyone, or that it looks better than wearing a cast?

More pics with the annoying synthesized voice news reporting HERE.

Soon, this is what Hillary will look like anyway. She should embrace it-

Pic Via Whatfinger


40 Comments on Hillary’s Improvised Muumuu is Ridiculous

  1. She is covering her hands with that shit after she fall in the bathroom 🚽 I under if she was fuc Huma in the bathroom 🚽 when she fall. She and Huma goes everywhere. Just saying were is bill I guess he can’t scratched that shit for he she so she needs Huma for that’s. Everything she says something bad about trump and the Americans citizens she gets hurt.

  2. Her continuing injuries are the results of getting shitfaced and being unable to ambulate.
    Every night.
    That is the reality she’s trying to cover up.
    Or Huma sneezes at inopportune moments.

  3. Late stage alcoholism. She can afford an endless number of enablers.
    Between the money and the ever present fear of being Arkancided like Seth Rich, they have kept her secrets.
    So far.

  4. If it’s just her wrist in a cast, then she should SHOW IT, but don’t point it out. This minor admission, that she’s /merely human/, /like any of us/ and /able to laugh at foibles/, would be a notable public relations improvement. Not a chance, of course.

  5. She has to wear pants under a dress in preparation for the heels over head maneuvers.

    Note she’s sporting more secured shoes. She’s tired of those discarded shoe pictures.

    Also, is that a shawl she’s wearing in India?

    I wonder what career she’s building now. In what manner will she bilk Americans, again. Let’s see, she hasn’t been a governor, nor state representative, or an appointed judge, dog catcher?

  6. The report I heard is she had a hairline fracture and sought medical attention as the pain was unbearable. What is there that needs to be covered up? If you have a cast on, so what? Is it an insult to the host country to be seen in a cast? Is she just self-conscious that a visible cast would undermine her sense of fashion? It makes no sense.

    What makes sense is she’s a vampire and she’s symptomatic of Kuru and she travels abroad for medical attention to avoid the attention of the American media.

  7. I’m glad to see the happy couple isn’t letting this latest setback discourage them from continuing their “second honeymoon”. Hillary and Huma make such a lovely pair.

  8. There’s a Cankles who knows
    All the slipping gets old
    And she’s sliding down stairway to oblivion
    When she gets up she knows
    If she’s wearing odd clothes
    With a word she can get them to spin it

  9. Cmon – there is no cast, there is no broken anything. She used that excuse to avoid the rest of her planned tour when she found out how horrible the Dems are to her. Did she fall? More than likely. She falls all the time.
    The woman is ill with something and needs to go home and stay there.


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