Hillary’s Lyin’ Eyes – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Lyin’ Eyes


Hillary’s lyin’ eyes uglifies Melania —


15 Comments on Hillary’s Lyin’ Eyes

  1. Hey, Hillary, just a speck of Preparation H under each eye can reduce the size of the bags.

    No kidding. It’s a favorite trick of makeup artists who have to deal with supermodels who stayed up too late the night before a shoot.

  2. BTW, Hillary’s Eyes on Melania turns her into Dwayne Johnson in drag. At least it did in THAT picture.

    I, along with every other iOTWReport reader, thank you for the nightmare fuel, BFH.

  3. @greetingsfromyonkers: She can’t afford to get very close to Preparation H. The last time she got too much of it smeared on her body, she shrank down to the size of Robert Reich.


  4. “I don’t know, but I’ve been told, a big-legged-women ain’t got no soul!”

    “The soul of a woman was created below!”

    Look into her eyes and see the depths of Hell.

    izlamo delenda est …

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