Hillary’s Lying Arc On Classified Emails – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Lying Arc On Classified Emails

No classified emails –> Emails not classified at time they were sent –> Emails not marked classified –> no classification headers.

Chuck Ross @ChuckRossDC

10 Comments on Hillary’s Lying Arc On Classified Emails

  1. She’s just playing for time. Run it out. Say whatever you need to say to obfuscate.

    As I watched last night, I really want to give Lauer some props, he spent a good amount of time, like ~ 7 minutes on the emails and they took a very tough question from an ex-mil guy who said he had a top secret clearance and had he done what she had done, he said he’d be in prison.

    Man, if looks could kill.

    Her humma-humma response was void-it was just a string of empty bullshit-go back and listen. I can only hope that Trump refuses to back down in the debates and gets to ask some very pointed follow ups because if here’s one thing lacking from last night was Lauer’s backing away from the kill shot.

    Trump was solid. Lauer was ineffectual in trying get him with gotchas particularly about his ISIS “plans”

  2. The purpose of the “private” server was two-fold: 1st, to hide all her illegal, immoral, and corrupt anti-American shenanigans from public view – and 2nd, to allow foreigners access to classified documents with impunity: when Mills and/or Abedin gave (sold) them the password, they could access at their leisure, without leaving a hack-trail.

    It’s a shame that the FBI is a corrupt tool of the Soros/Jarrett/Clinton crime syndicate and America is left to twist in the wind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hillary reminds me of my youngest sister. That girl would lie before her brain engaged. It was amazing. I even tested it once when asking what happened to our parents car. I asked the question and then reached out to put my hand on her mouth and the lies were slipping out already.

    I used to call her a slider. She would say something, I’d challenge, she’d slide a bit into another lie and on it would go until I’d say, stop. You can’t even remember the first thing out of your mouth, can you! Nope, not a clue, but of course she’d speak ANOTHER LIE about that and off she’d go again.

    But she did out grow it. I think Hillary’s gotten away with it so much and has so many other people by the testicular, with knowledge of the skeletons in THEIR closets, that she has built a very high, filth layered throne and the stench is choking her and muddling her brain. Hurry up, Hillary Blob and devour this stain on humanity.

  4. The media NEVER points out that unless otherwise determined EVERY email from the Sec of State is considered classified. This is the 2nd most powerful diplomat in the US and 1 of top 5 in the world. Even yoga routines and wedding plans would provide evil doers with targets affecting national security.

    Clinton had NO secure .gov account so how did she communicate?

    Then there’s the matter that headers are not required and every American without 30 years in gov’t or security training now knows (C) stands for classified.

  5. Democrats that I know don’t care. It’s all a waste of time and a right wing Republican distraction to Clinton’s supporters. Nothing that turns up will change their attitude about the emails. However, it does seem to have an effect on the true Independent voters that I know in Colorado. I’m hoping that more turn up from her cloth wiping before it is too late to hurt her election.

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