Hillary’s New Niche – THE F*G HAG – IOTW Report

Hillary’s New Niche – THE F*G HAG

NY Times-

George Chauncey Jr., a professor of history and American studies at Yale and author of “Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture and the Making of the Gay Male World,” said that while he had not noticed his students to be particularly enthusiastic about Mrs. Clinton, that resonance of the long-suffering woman with older gay men, in particular, cannot be underestimated.

He pointed to Judy Garland, her tortured relationship with men, her alcohol addiction and the heartbreak felt in her songs.


“That really resonated with many gay men in a period when they did face a lot of anguish themselves, because there was such widespread hostility and discrimination,” Mr. Chauncey said. “We can laugh at it, but these were really powerful anthems for gay men, and there is something really powerful about that connection.”

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