Hillary’s Outreach to Black Baptists Didn’t Reach Many – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Outreach to Black Baptists Didn’t Reach Many

In a blatant attempt to duplicate Donald Trump’s recent inroads with the black community, Hillary Clinton addressed the National Baptist Convention in Kansas City yesterday.  Only compared to the general session day before, the turnout to be screeched at by Hillary was abysmal.

See Here


12 Comments on Hillary’s Outreach to Black Baptists Didn’t Reach Many

  1. This once again shows beyond doubt Americans are through with this skank Cankles Clintoon. In general media blogs, a defender of her Thighness is mauled by people with brains and integrity. They need to hide and STFU. What remains if there is no leg left on which to stand?

  2. I don’t feel noways tired! I’ve come to far from where I started from.
    Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don’t believe he brought me this far to leave me.

  3. This fellow warrior on Gateway Pundit summed up the left as perfectly as any fellow warrior here:

    spencer marlborough • 19 minutes ago
    Leftists are the champions of the homosexuals-except when the gays are gunned down by Muslims.
    Leftists are defenders of women- until a women has the temerity to disagree with them; then they call them c@nts.
    Leftists defend black people from racism- until the black person thinks for themselves and says he/she is a republican; then they call them racist slurs.

    Leftists- you are just garbage people. Seriously. No one wants to live in your utopian societies (Detroit, Chicago…etc.) No one likes you. Hell, you even hate yourselves. Sod off.

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