Hillary’s Problems Continue – And Thankfully So – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Problems Continue – And Thankfully So

If the left can wage a campaign of harassment against a duly elected incoming president, surely they would understand why I would, with great satisfaction, say that Hillary Clinton deserves dogged pursuit by Americans seeking justice for her (potential) crimes.


While the State Department and National Archives took steps to recover the emails from Clinton’s tenure, they did not ask the U.S. attorney general to take enforcement action. Two conservative groups filed lawsuits to force their hand.

A district judge in January ruled the suits brought by Judicial Watch and Cause of Action moot, saying State and the National Archives made a “sustained effort” to recover and preserve Clinton’s records.

But Williams said the two agencies should have done more, according to the ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Since the agencies neither asked the attorney general for help nor showed such enforcement action could not uncover new emails, the case was not moot.

“The Department has not explained why shaking the tree harder – e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General – might not bear more still,” Williams wrote. “Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.”

“Because the complaints sought recovery of emails from all of the former Secretary’s accounts, the FBI’s recovery of a server that hosted only one account does not moot the suits, the judge wrote.


9 Comments on Hillary’s Problems Continue – And Thankfully So

  1. The only question is how many millions will she pay, in addition to handing over certain official documents she picked up in Kenya for her pardon. And will she even bother to get a family pack to cover Bill and little Howdy Doody.

  2. @JustAl…

    You’ve nailed it. It’s obvious that the 0bama/Clinton Axis was/is held together with the tenacity and tenuousness of a Mexican Stand-Off.

    They probably have the goods on one another, and if one goes down, the other will follow. Think: Gingham Dog & Calico Cat.

  3. “pride comes before the fall” Let them wallow in their miserable lives and look at each other in the mornings and remember-I know what you did.. Judgment is coming soon whether you believe it or not.

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