Hillary’s Shameless and Corrupt Money Grab Continues – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Shameless and Corrupt Money Grab Continues

What a couple of scumbaskets.

The Clintons are grifters. Shameless thieves.

The Daily Caller-

Hillary’s New Political Group Has Little To Show Except Soliciting Donations In First Four Months.

In the four months since Hillary Clinton officially launched her new political group, Onward Together, the group has done little besides soliciting donations from Clinton supporters.

An email signed by Clinton asking supporters for money last week excused her group’s lack of action. “You may not have heard much about the work we’re doing at Onward Together,” Clinton wrote. “That’s because we’re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we’re supporting. We’re not the story: they are.”

The Daily Caller reached out to all five political groups, asking them to confirm that Onward Together has, in fact, been funding and supporting their groups. Only one group responded to the TheDC’s repeated requests: Indivisible, the Soros-backed “resistance” group.

“Onward Together has not given any financial support to us,” Helen Kalla, an Indivisible spokesperson, wrote in an email.

Kalla added that Clinton’s group has “been amplifying and highlighting our work through their digital networks,” which she explained has consisted of “retweeting [Indivisible], and they’ve highlighted our work via their emails to their list too.”

ht/ annie

16 Comments on Hillary’s Shameless and Corrupt Money Grab Continues

  1. Politicians are subliminally rated on their ability to bullshit, lie or other-wise fool the shit out of their constituents, for better or worse.
    The Clintons have consistently been rated ‘the best in their field’ according to their ignorant followers.

  2. I have to admit that given the kind of organizations and pet causes that they would give the money to, I’d rather have them keep it and spend it on luxurious frivolity for themselves. They might actually do some good with it that way by employing decent people to supply them with their goodies.

  3. Does anyone think the Clintons and Obamas could just be taken out with a simple “public nuisance” charge? ‘Cause I’m getting real sick of hearing about these people and their stuff.

  4. Retweeting and emailing in lieu of cash support. That is pathetic. And none of them have real jobs. Not Bill, not Hill, not Chelsea or Mark. I guess all they have now is dirt on other people, but that may be enough to keep the grift going.

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