Hillary’s Slobbering Love Affair With the KKK Kleagle Robert Byrd – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Slobbering Love Affair With the KKK Kleagle Robert Byrd


ht/ all too much

7 Comments on Hillary’s Slobbering Love Affair With the KKK Kleagle Robert Byrd

  1. Where’s Jake Tapper? Why isn’t he hounding Hillary about her adulation of and proven ties to a KKK Grand Kleagle like he did Trump about a has-been nobody that he had never met and never mentioned? Obviously, this is a rhetorical question for which the answer is a foregone conclusion. Anyone that believes that the mainstream media is just a biased is a right wing nut job. Trump’s campaign is sweet revenge on the lies of these hacks.

  2. The DemoRATs are never asked to disavow their huge cast of dirty, slimy and putrid operatives which include such race baiters and haters as Sharpton and Jackson, KKK functionaries and Racists Fulbright and Byrd or the biggest slime bag of all Obama,
    who almost defies description with his worthless philosophies and low down filthy dirty endeavors!

  3. Just out of curiosity, BFH, why do you let MJA post on here? She is clearly anti-Trump…. it is getting a bit one-sided…gives one pause to check bylines and see if somehow we got a msnbc virus planted in IOTWreport.

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