Hillary’s State Dept scrubbed investigation on Mateen’s mosque – IOTW Report

Hillary’s State Dept scrubbed investigation on Mateen’s mosque

DML: Retired DHS agent says case he developed may have prevented both the San Bernardino attack and the Orlando attack if his investigation had not been shut down by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Philip Haney, newly retired Department of Homeland Security agent, has informed WND News that the mosque where Orlando gunman Omar Mateen worshipped, the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, Florida, has ties to the case he was personally working on.    MORE

3 Comments on Hillary’s State Dept scrubbed investigation on Mateen’s mosque

  1. You have the people in the Senior Executive Service – running various government agencies – importing the jihadis, and then running overwatch for the jihadis while they prep and execute.

    The upper management in the bureaucracy is literally waging war on the American people.

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